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Hello......everyone out there.
I would be glad to have new friends and dating opportunities, it would be great to have someone with the right man. You can ask me anything at live dot com with my name andususilo
Age: 49, male, looking for a man in Tegal, Central Java, INDONESIA 
Looking to contact wise and sport people.I am ordinary boys, not too bad looks. slim, wanna meet
Looking to contact wise and sport people.
I am ordinary boys, not too bad looks. slim,
wanna meet some one that capable of sport. Please teach me sport, (futsal,soccer)and whatever you want I'll do. Thanks
Mencari orang yang bisa mengajari saya olahraga, terutama futsal atau sepak bola. Saya akan melakukan apa saja untuk membalas jasa anda. Trims
Age: 35, male, looking for a man in Jawa Tengah, Semarang, Central Java, INDONESIA 
Looking to contact good people.
Age: 40, male, looking for a man in Semarang, Central Java, INDONESIA 
Looking to contact good looking people.
Age: 39, male, looking for a man in Semarang, Central Java, INDONESIA 
Looking to contact good looking people.
Age: 31, male, looking for a man in Semarang, Central Java, INDONESIA 
Looking to contact good looking people.
Age: 38, male, looking for a man in Solo, Solo, Central Java, INDONESIA 
Looking to contact good looking people.
Age: 31, male, looking for a man in Semarang, Central Java, INDONESIA 
Looking to contact good looking people.
Age: 56, male, looking for a man in Banyumas, Central Java, INDONESIA 
Looking to contact good looking people.
Age: 42, male, looking for a man in City, Cilacap, Central Java, INDONESIA 
Looking to contact good looking people.
Age: 30, male, looking for a man in Purwokerto, Purwokerto, Central Java, INDONESIA 
Looking to contact good looking people.
Age: 36, male, looking for a man in Banyumanik, Semarang, Central Java, INDONESIA 
specialis pijat urut/capek 081804485658 di jamin.
specialis pijat urut/capek tradisional 081804485658 di jamin fresh,maaf saya gak begitu pintar plus.
Age: 38, male, looking for a woman in Surakarta, Surakarta, Central Java, INDONESIA 
Looking for gud friend n' low profile. .
Age: 32, male, looking for a man in Surakarta, Surakarta, Central Java, INDONESIA 
Looking to contact good looking people.
Age: 36, male, looking for a man in Xxx, Semarang, Central Java, INDONESIA 
Looking to contact good looking people.
Age: 39, male, looking for a man in Tumanggal Rt 12 Rw 04, Purbalingga, Central Java, INDONESIA 
Looking to contact good looking people.
Age: 46, male, looking for a man in Tegal, Central Java, INDONESIA 
Looking to contact good looking people.
Age: 33, male, looking for a man in Kebumen, Central Java, INDONESIA 
Looking to contact good looking people.
Age: 40, male, looking for a man in Central Java, Rembang, Central Java, INDONESIA 
Looking to contact good looking people.
Age: 48, male, looking for a man in Semarang, Central Java, INDONESIA 
Looking to contact good looking people.
Age: 39, male, looking for a man in Surakarta, Central Java, INDONESIA 
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