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Monogamous Relationship
As a gay man, this is a new start for me. Deciding that it is a good time for a new beginning to my life; I'm going to open my heart and pray that there is that one special man who will hear my words. That these words and feelings will resonate with him, that his heart is in the same place as mine. That his soul yearns for the fullness that love can give. Not to take from another, but to share and give that most wonderful of gifts which is love for another man. It is nothing that can be put into words but only felt and forever cherished. If I sound like a man who lives in another world perhaps, but to live what you truly believe in your heart is a life well lived. I am less than perfect and know it well. I do hope everyday to grow a bit more. To become all that I can. I also know life is not always easy for us all. I curse when the ground is so hard you can't put a post in the ground, that the lack of rain burns up every hope of a bale of hay, that you can't believe how much cattle and horses can shit when you start cleaning out those barns but you do it, because there is nothing better. That along with the struggles also come the blessings. I am a man who always tries to live with honor, to keep my word, to try and give a few dollars to that homeless person on the steet who nobody will look at, to hold the man I love and kiss his hands and eyes, to touch him all over so that I know every contour of his body. To make love with all of myself; to find always a joy of that newborn calf or chick as it comes into this world. It is said that anyone can love the beauty of the mountains, but a special soul is required to love the prairie, I love the prairie.
Age: 75, male, looking for a man in Duncan, British Columbia, CANADA 
Looking to contact good looking people.
Age: 42, male, looking for a man in Duncan, Penticton, British Columbia, CANADA 
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