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A man who is currently single and looking for a man

My Vitals:

Age: 64, Height: 5' 08" (173 cm), Weight: 145 lbs (66 kg), Body Type: fit, Ethnicity: white / european

Where I Live:

 CANADA  >>  British Columbia  >>  Vancouver  >>  Burnaby


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Looking for a real, decent, honest, non-scene guy Genuine, honest, sincere, totally down-to-earth, masculine, romantic, fit, intelligent, professionally-employed, compassionate, strong yet sensitive, non-scene, boy-next-door guy with eclectic interests, a circle of great friends and a wonderful family here. Having a ridiculously difficult time finding a real, normal, sane, confident (yet humble), goal-focused, fit, well-spoken, sincere, masculine, attractive, healthy, monogamously-oriented sojourner in life who is comfortable with his sexuality. I`m not on this site to become an email chat buddy. Not interested in players or posers, guys who don`t know where they`re headed in life, or who truly aren`t serious about taking the necessary time to get to know someone on a deeper level before becoming sexually intimate. I`m not looking for Mr. Perfect, just Mr. Real. That would be a good start... Call me old-fashioned, but I still believe in dating. Real dating. Taking time, allowing the moments to evolve naturally and without expectations. Are we on the same page?... Not... I repeat, NOT, interested in guys who are bi, married, constant partiers, drug or alcohol dependent, game players, out-of-towners, or into the gay scene. Don`t be shy... say "hello". I will always respond.

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