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A man who is looking for a man
My Vitals:
Age: 36, Height: 5' 01" (155 cm), Body Type: average
Where I Live:
PHILIPPINES >> Lanao del Norte >> Iligan City
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a person who you can have a worthy conversation. I'm not good looking. You may find my photo as great and what not but trust me, I myself is amazed how good I register on the camera. but there are better things on my personality than how I look. I'm here to share my life, share experiences which will help me build myself to become a better person. On relationships, I would say its not really the physical thing, at the end of the day one's happiness is dependent on who the heart chooses to love. Love with no reason and NEVER find the reason why you love a person, coz if you do? you will find out the reason to not love the person. Love because you feel it and don't be scared to give the Love 100% so you won't regret things that didn't work out because you were too busy counting what you give. The eyes finds lust. The heart finds love. At this point in my life, i can say tha the sexy abs, pointed nose, the unflawed features of a person is not enough to be inlove with someone. There's really more beyond... ....and by the time you found one ask them for nothing. Don't hold them from their destiny. Don't keep them from going off in search of their own answers. Don't ask them for commitment. You will know commitment is real when it is something given willingly, and not as something obligatory. Don't ask them for promises. If you are patient, if you have faith, you will know in your heart when the right time for promises has come.And when that time arrives, then you will see that you have both lost nothing by setting each other free, and have instead gained a richer,fuller life, a wealth of experiences, and a stronger certainty of your desires.But should they return to you, then life hasn't cheated you because no promises were broken. Your bitterness will not last long, and you will feel thankful and blessed that at the very least,this beautiful soul has colored your life, that knowing them has already made life infinitely more meaningful.By setting a person free, you run a risk of them of not returning but, always remember that you found them beautiful precisely because they are free. People are like sunlight. You can feel their warmth, and their glow, but you can't hold them in your hand and keep them with you forever. People choose to stay. But a choice is made more meaningful when it is made despite so many other options. thanks for taking time visiting my page... i hope you guys will keep in touch.. what am i looking for: someone to love. share my life with.
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